Praise Choruses from Lake-Facing People

just wanting to stay

it was very shallow
the smell of salt very present
i went there with my family:
two brothers, one sister, our parents

saline solution to dreams
burning feet, stiff jeans
all the while we felt serene
salt flats whistling

praise the place where frogs take refuge
our noses greeted before our eyes
kids ran about while the sun fell
just wanting to stay a little while

salty breeze filled us with ease
praise the lake that feeds the earth
praise the lake that may forever die
the earth singed, now cries

soon you may be gone
how you have dimmed
yet you made your mark on the land
just wanting to stay a little while more

laughter in the air, yet silence in the world
praise loud chatter, children’s fun
praise saline dreams and the falling sun
praise just wanting to stay

Lines collected from Liberdee, Finley, Sam, Bridgette, Billy, and anonymous students from Amanda Hurd’s Kearns High poetry class on January 4th, 2022.