Water Bears Memory

Suya Türkü by Abdal Aşık

Kuru dallar var etrafta
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Yağmış geceden sabaha
Çağıralım diye güneşi

Biz ikimiz ve Sophia
Kalamayız bu kadarla
Yaşamımıza su gerek
Gerek su da sağ olmaya

Abdal Aşıktır bu derde
İster ki buluna çare
Yoktur bize başkaca öz
Vermek gerek eli ele


Dried branches are all around
Ground is full of dew
Dropped from night to morning 
Making us one with the sun 

Sophia and the two of us
Together we can be vigorous
Water is life; life is water
To save it we need you to join us.

Abdal is Aşık for this matter
He wants everyone’s ear
There is nothing more essential
Let us hold each other’s hands

*Translated from Turkish by the poet.

Note from the poet: I am living in Salt Lake City as a bard from Anatolia. Alongside my poetry, I play an Anatolian stringed instrument called bağlama. I learned from my grandparents that everything on earth carries a soul, including water.